Energy Saving Tips
Household Purposes:
Switch off lights and all electrical appliances when not in use.
Use task lighting- in only the area required.
Do not open the refrigerator door frequently.
Do not put hot food straightaway into the fridge.
Do not do dry grinding in food processors as it takes a longer time than liquid grinding.
Do not open the door of micorwave ovens to keep checking if the food has been completely cooked.
Industrial Purposes:
Make sure your compressed air system runs only when the plant is in use. Use smaller air compressors dedicated to serve minimal after-hours needs.
Use blowers or hand sweeping for cleaning purposes.
Eliminate heat losses from leaks and improper defrosting.
Pre-heat the Oil. For proper combustion, oil should be at right viscosity at the burner tip. Provide heat capacity.
Undertake regular energy audits.